How to Cut Flank Steak So It’s Tender Every Time

Knowing how to cut a flank steak is important to get the best flavor and tenderness. The key reason for this is that the flank steak, although lean and delicious, is firmer than other cuts of beef because there are many long, thin fibers running through it. To tenderize the flank steak, it is usually marinated and cooked by grilling, sautéing, roasting, or smoking. Regardless of the cooking method, with or without marinade, you should cut the flank steak sideways for the most delicious results. Cutting the flank steak in this way cuts out those tough fibers, shortening them for a more chewy, tender beef.

Read on to learn how to use this method to cut the flank steak for the most tender results.

How to Cut Flank Steak

Whether you’re cutting a flank steak for a quick stir-fry before cooking or finishing a smoked grilled flank steak recipe, you’ll cut the flank steak in the same way. To cut through the texture, look at the entire flank steak to determine the direction in which the muscle fibers are running, then line up the knives perpendicular to that direction (you will cut through the fibers, not parallel to them) and slice. Use a sharp chef’s knife or cleaver for the cleanest cut.

Luckily, most of the flank steaks you buy from the store are rectangular in shape, with fibers running along the length of the steak, so you’ll be slicing along the width of the steak rather than its length, which you’ll naturally want to do anyway.

Tip: If you’re planning to cut the flank steak raw, freeze the meat for up to 30 minutes before starting. This makes it easier to slice evenly.

How to Choose a Flank Steak

No matter what kind of steak you buy, avoid tear stains on the packaging or liquid at the bottom of the tray. The meat should be good in color and look moist but not wet. Any cut edges should be flat and not rough, and the meat should be firm and cold to the touch. If your recipe doesn’t call for a whole steak, cut it in half and freeze the excess for later.

Now that you’re an expert at cutting flank steaks, you can apply this striated slicing technique to any cut of beef that’s naturally tougher for fork tenders.

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